a Scenic Fantasy
Àl’Espagnole is a scenic fantasy based in the artistic cross-fertilisation between Spain and France in Baroque times: this love-hate relationship, of seduction and rejection, adoption and transformation of the forms à l’espagnole — mostly through dances coming from America and soon assimilated in Spain — is our source of inspiration to offer a show in which contemporary dance, theater and baroque music go hand in hand, in an interdisciplinary dialogue.
Dancers and musicians who sing and recite in Spanish and French; canes hitting the ground with protoflamenco rhythms and flavours; small lights that reveal moments of mysterious poetry or make the most festive dances to glow; elegant patterns, designs and tones which connect us with a careful, modern aesthetics… an exciting experiment carried out by Compañía Antonio Ruz in cooperation with Accademia del Piacere, conducted by Fahmi Alqhai. Made by avant-garde artists, À l’Espagnole is a show of contrasts, of light and shadows, amusement, surprising and new. In one word: Baroque.
Idea, Choreography and Staging
Antonio Ruz
Musical Direction
Fahmi Alqhai
Melania Olcina, Lucía Bernardo, Tamako Akiyama, Manuel Martín, Indalecio Seura, Jordi Vilaseca.
Fahmi Alqhai (viola da gamba), Mariví Blasco (soprano), Rodney Prada, Rami Alqhai, Johanna Rose (violas da gamba), Enrike Solinís (guitarra barroca y laúd), Javier Núñez (clave) & Pedro Estevan (percusión).
Artistic Collaboration
Estévez / Paños
Costumes and Prpops
Daniela Presta
Lighting Design and Technical Direction
Olga García
Alqhai & Alqhai & Compañía Antonio Ruz
Pierre Guédron (1570 – 1620)
Cessez mortels de soupirer
Antoine Boësset (1586 – 1643)
Frescos aires del prado
Luis de Briceño (fl. 1610s – 1630)
Sarabanda – Danza del Hacha
Ay amor loco
AndrÉ Campra (1660 – 1744)
Entrée Espagnole de L ‘ Europe galante
J.B.Lully (1632 – 1687)
Le Burgeois gentilhomme (fragmentos)
Premier Air pour les Espagnols – Sarabande
Deuxième Air pour les Espagnols – Loure Marche
Sé que me muero de amor
François Couperin (1668 – 1733)
Sonade & Pasacaille de L’ Espagnole (Les Nations)
Marin MarAis (1656 – 1728)
Prelude (Libro III de piezas de viola) & Sarabande à L’ Espagnole
Couplets de Folies d’ Espagne (Libro II piezas de viola)
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 – 1767)
Chaconne du Quatuour Parisien n.12