After the expulsion, in the 17th century, of the last Moriscos of La Alpujarra—heirs of the first Muslims settled in Granada—Andalusian singing would appear to have been sentenced to confinement in the memory of the banished. But the official victory could not impede the Morisco musical art infiltrated into Andalusian folklore to fertilize flamenco; mixed in the crucible of marginalization with Gypsies and wanderers of all kind, the last Moriscos bequeathed to Spanish musical DNA their melismas: that unmistakable way to vocalize that will turn any present Andalusian head when the muezzin calls to prayer.
Let’s hear how those ancient, artistic brothers join today their voices, how atavistic memories of a distant past go through times and distances to be reborn as a living, breathing music, a music of ours.
Fahmi Alqhai — Viola da gamba & Direction
Mariví Blasco — Singer
Begoña Olavide — Singer & psalterium
Rami Alqhai — Viola da gamba
Johanna Rose — Viola da gamba
Enrike Solinís — Lute, baroque guitar & lavta
Ramiro Amusategui — Arabian oud & zither
Pedro Estevan — Percussion
Agustín Diassera — Percussion
Rifqan ´Ala Qalbi y Yul Yul
Al –Shushtarî de Guadix, s. XIII. San´as (canciones) en ritmo btayhi de la Nûba‘Uššaq de Marruecos
(Tradición de Al-Ándalus)
Tenor y contrapunto sobre La Spagna
Anónimo (S. XV)
Di, perra mora
Pedro Guerrero (S. XVI)
Lamma bada yatathanna
Moaxaja de la tradición arábigo-andalusí
Romance de Abindarráez
Diego Pisador (ca. 1510 – ca. 1557)
Romance de la pérdida de Alhama:
Paseávase el rey moro
Luis de Narváez (ca. 1500 – ca. 1555) – Fahmi Alqhai
Qué es de ti desconsolado
Juan del Encina (1468 – ca. 1529)
Levanta, Pascual, levanta
Juan del Encina (1468 – ca. 1529)
San’a en ritmo btâyhi de la Nûba Ghrîbt lhsîn de Marruecos (Tradición de Al-Ándalus)
Guárdame las vacas
Anónimo S. XVI
Romance De Antequera sale el moro
Cristóbal de Morales (ca. 1500-1553) – Miguel de Fuenllana (ca. 1500-1579)
Awqadta fi qalbî, de la música Gharnati de Marruecos (Tradición de Al-Ándalus) & Canarios