Fahmi Alqhai
Considering the instrument as so much more than a relic from the decaying aristocratic age of Louis XV in France, Alqhai demonstrates by his choice of programme in A piacere and his playing – the viol’s versatility, flexibility and depth of emotional response: music from Spanish, German and French Baroque masters of the instrument are joined by Alqhai’s own version of the Joe Satriani Always with me, always with you rock number. Notably in his Satriani adaptation Alqhai create –in marvellous sound– a new demonstration of the creative freedom that old music can allow for in the right hands.
Fahmi Alqhai — Viola da gamba
Marizápalos y Canarios
Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710)
Captain Hume Pavin
Captain Hume Galliard
Tobias Hume (c1569-1645)
Le Badinage
Les voix humaines
La Guitare
Marin Marais (1656-1728)
Chaconne La Morangis ou La Plissay
Antoine Forqueray (1672-1745)
Variations upon El cant dels ocells
Anonymous-Fahmi Alqhai
Variations on a Joe Satriani Theme
Fahmi Alqhai
Purple Haze
Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)