enero, 2024

29ene7:30 pm9:00 pmColombina. Music for the Dukes of Medina SidoniaTrodheim (Norway)

Detalles del evento

One of the great musical monuments of the Spanish Renaissance, the Cancionero de la Colombina was most probably manuscripted in the ducal house of Medina Sidonia. Exquisitely calligraphed, the document is of enormous importance as the main source of the unique Sevillian polyphonic school of the 15th century.

Quiteria Muñoz, soprano
Ariel Hernández, tenor
Jesús G. Aréjula, baritone
Fahmi Alqhai, vihuela da gamba (viola da gamba) and musical direction
Rami Alqhai, vihuela da gamba
Johanna Rose, vihuela de arco
Carles Blanch, hand vihuela
Javier Núñez, harpsichord
Daniel Garay, percussion
David García, sackbut
Gabriel Atienza, shawm


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(Lunes) 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Barokkfest Trondheim